Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Some Links

There is just too much stuff to give each little thing I find it's own separate post.  So I'll give you some interesting links.

America Lite How Imperial Academia Dismantled Our Culture (and Ushered in the Obamacrats) By David Gelernter

Senate Democrats Are Enablers

The Mean Girls of Global Warming

The Democrats Have Finally Found A Place They Want To Save Money
We can't pay this money to investigate Our Dear Leader's Scandals!!

Pedophilia is Normal?
Did you notice just how many are in the fields of Education and entertainment?

"Only Mexicans by birth or naturalization and Mexican companies have the right to acquire ownership of lands, waters, and their appurtenances, or to obtain concessions for the exploitation of mines or of waters"

"Prior to May 2011, Mexico's immigration policy was regulated by the highly strict General Law of Population of 1970, which had been portrayed in hypocritical light when compared to immigration policies as in the US states of Arizona or Alabama. However, on May 24, 2011, President Felipe Calderón signed the new and much more liberal Migration Law into law."

And yet Mexico's Laws are STILL stricter than the US laws. And the Mexican President has the GALL to condemn the US for it's policies.

"Well, the Democrats really hit the jackpot here: Latino, tattooed, did prison time and proudly talks of having an abortion. Can we just cut to the presidential rumors already?"

Gullible Liberals Misread Birth-Control Ruling

USAToday Reporter Calls Border Surge Obama's "Katrina Momet"

If Obama Can Ignore The Law Requiring the Deportation of Illegal Aliens, Why Can't He Ignore the Law Requiring Asylum Hearings?

Senate Dems Clash Over Sportsmen’s Hunting/Fishing Bill
The bill is mostly designed to ‘assist’ Senate Democrats up for reelection in ‘red states.’

A Study, And A Missing Word, On Gun Violence

Nobody Is Confiscating Your Guns

Even the BBC is exposing the fake imagery being put out on social media by the Palestinians against Israel

QATAR is the main financier of mosques around the world built to facilitate the spread sharia law


More from William Binney about the NSA
This is a must see/read

Be wary of Minnesota Gun Rights
If you know anyone in Minnesota and they are concerned about their Second Amendment Rights, let them know about this.

Illegals wearing Obama Shoes
This is what makes it even more disturbing.

I do solemnly swear...

Personal Boundaries and Personal Decisions
Notice on the Right underneath the header where it says Specialization. There is a quote from Heinlein. Below that there are several of personal quotes from me. Such as "Go for the Checkmate, Even if it kills you" There are times when you have no choice. You MUST make your goal. If your goal is to ensure others live even if it costs you your own life. GO FOR THE CHECKMATE.

The Inadequacy of Intellect

Two Way Streets
Our armed forces are literally hemorrhaging trained experienced leadership. And the fault cannot all be blamed at the feet of the CINC. The other parts of the Chain of Command have to take heed and do something about this before we find ourselves in the same situation we did after Vietnam.

Hilary Clinton’s speaking fees

College Student Calls Obama’s Immigration Speech More of the Same

City Approves Demolition of Two Columbus Ships
I and others have been trying for THREE years to get these ships back in the water so they could be repaired. But the Museum Director BLOCKED every attempt. It took a LAWSUIT to prevent him from literally BURNING the Nina, which is now the ONLY one seaworthy and about 85% restored.

Random Stop Georgia Police Officer Murder Short Film

Some Rifles Are Assaulty Looking And Therefore Bad
Some people need to get their Rectal Cranial Inversion corrected.

Is Safety Talk The Genesis Of A New Anti-Gun Angle?

California Is the Model for Obama’s “Fundamental Transformation” of the USA

What Democrats and Republican Elites Really Think
The Democrats’ central argument in opposing voter ID boils down to this: “Our voters are too lazy and stupid to go out and get a Government ID.”

Let’s get in on this: A Service Dog for Davien Martinez.

Voyager and the Sound of Interstellar Space

Someone has to pay...and the BLM doesn't want to take the heat...

An object lesson in what government is really all about.

My response to the EPA: "We should be able to hang overreaching bureaucrats

'Child abuse list includes 10 MPs and peers'

The July E-Postal Match is up

As I recall, Jimmy Carter helped make sure Mugabe got that office; one more long-term result of Carter:

That SWAT team that dropped a flash-bang into an occupied crib?
The individual who threw the grenade in Georgia had no such flash-bang certification. Neither did any of the SWAT members.

The Problem with Science - Is scientists.

Tequila Party’ Asks Holder to Prosecute Tea Party for Murrieta ‘Terrorism

The Preconditions for Revolt

Mitt Romney 2016 slogan could be: “Actually, I was right about everything”

Mindset. Is. Key.
Never give up, take the Ba**ards with you.

File Under "N"...
I'm sorry but Government Employees are already some of the highest paid. Why do they need a union?

Hillary Clinton’s ‘altruism’ sure does seem to benefit the Clintons quite a bit

FIA14: Scientists Unveil Aircraft Technologies of the Future


Gee,wonder if the bad guy's gun was legal?

Immigration Issues: Updates

Poseur Pastor Pouts, Pursues Preposterous Proceeding, Procures Painful Penalty

Watch Your Mouth, Or The Village Of Arena Police Department May Get Violent

Yet another reason to never vote for the Democratic Party member.
$15.00 an Hour?

A Progressive Who Understands the Gun Issue

Flood of lawsuits over concealed carry denials – Chicago Tribune

RANGER ! ! !

Responding to Parking Lot Law Critics

What a Weekend - Revisited - Not sixty shot - it was 77. 82 if you count the police shootings, but we usually don't:
When I hear about shootings in Chicago, I wait for SCC to chime in on it.

Also from SCC is this;

"Sex offender registration and other felony registrations fall under the Chief of Dicks office. The office is located in the rear of headquarters in the Secure parking area by the hay market statue.~~~

The felons are lined up outside. Some complained during this past winter and others called CFD for frostbite, etc. you catch my drift. So what does CPD/City/Chief of dicks do?

They are building a waiting room in the lobby on the southwest side of the lobby, right next to the Fallen Star memorial wall"

Not all CPD Officers are bad apples, and many like SCC are trying their best to weed the bad apples out. However with Rahmbo and the higher ups constantly perpetrating the "Status Quo" aka "Satan's List" there is that much they can really do. Chicago really is one of those towns that needs an enema. And I"m quite sure SCC and SCS know where to stick the nozzle.

How not to drive a ship

Quarantine in effect for 120 illegal immigrants in border crisis.

Wait What? Democrat Angrily Claims That Deporting Illegals… is Illegal!

Happy Annoy A Liberal Day

Collapse, Part III: War on the Home Front

Coming Soon to a Community Near You… MS-13 Gang Members Leave Graffiti on Walls of Processing Center

SHOCK REPORT: Churches Ask Parishioners to Shelter Illegals in Their Home – Not to Tell Media (Video)

NICE. Ventura Dem Party Chair Celebrates 4th of July By Tweeting Out Racist Attacks on GOP

Report: Illegal Immigrant Children Have Lice So Bad ‘They Can Be Seen Crawling Down’ Their Faces (Video)

DISGRACEFUL!… NRSC Reportedly Linked to Racist Anti-Tea Party Ads in Mississippi

Self defense strategy

The Underground Railroad for La Raza

Death Threats?

Sgt Thomas Spitzer, another payment on the cost of failure.
The price IS too high. Especially when the CINC doesn't have a realistic Exit Strategy.

Techy Tuesday - Cooking With A Raspberry Pi
Actually this would be good for convenience stores and truck stops. No more half cooked or overcooked Hoagies.

Why Not Costa Rica?

Black Americans Say Illegal Immigrants Should Be Sent BACK (VIDEO)

Rollin' Coal" With The Poles

Pistol OCD: the Pennsylvania State Police
I wouldn't mind getting one or two of the Glock 21's.

From Weerd

Quote of the Day: John Walsh
I'm a Gun Owner Buuuutttt

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