Monday, August 25, 2014

A possible cure for Autism?

As some of my readers know, my oldest son has Aspergers Syndrome, which is classified as part of the Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Through Peter, I was made aware of new research that has found that there may be a way to a treat Autism.

"Autism, which affects around 500,000 people in the UK, covers a range of behavioural disorders that reduce the ability of sufferers to communicate with and relate to other people.

It is believed to be triggered by a combination of genetic and environmental factors that impact on the developing brain.

During normal brain development, a burst of synapse formation occurs in infancy, especially in the cortex - a region closely linked to autistic behaviour.

Pruning removes more than half of these cortical synapses by late adolescence.

Synapses are known to be affected by many genes linked to autism, leading to speculation about the role they play in the condition."

I would give almost anything for my son to be able to have a normal life.  To be able to live a full and productive life.  Without the teasing and the bullying he goes through at school.

And yes there are some Idjits at my son's school who bully and tease him.  His older sisters before they graduated were almost suspended when they threatened some of their brother's tormentors.  and while the school does what it can, teachers cannot be everywhere at all times.  His younger sister has confronted a few of his tormentors and I've had to discuss the situation with the school resource officer's a few times.

But we all know teens.  Self absorbed and egocentric.


  1. There is no such thing as "autism". Psychiatry itself is a bogus science. The following articles and essays explain this:

    12 Part essay that exposes psychiatry as a bogus science

    Inventor of ADHD: “ADHD is a fictitious disease”

    Co-Founder of DSM admits there is no way to scientifically prove that mentall illness is real

    One year old babies and younger being put on psychiatric drugs

    Psychiatric Drugs Shorten Life Span by 15 years on average

    Psychiatry is based on lies and falsehoods

    Psychiatry is a fake science

    Every human emotion is now a "mental illness"

    Ten Myths about Psychiatric Drugs

    Studies show psychiatric drugs have no benefits and are dangerous

    Psychiatry is now giving 3 year old children drugs

    Psychiatric drugs make you sicker

    A few free eBooks talking about how psychiatry is a massive hoax

    A list of THOUSANDS of psychiatrists who have committed crimes against their patients

  2. That they are... Here's hoping...


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