Monday, August 25, 2014

The Entitlement Mindset

Over at The Lonely Libertarian there is a post about the entitlement mentality and just how bad the situation is becoming.

"Every year, the local Kiwanis Clubs team together with the Salvation Army and Walmart to host a Back to School fair for underprivileged kids in the area. There's snacks and bouncy houses, a vaccination booth (don't get me started here), and each child receives a backpack, lunch box (don't know why since they all get free lunches), and all the recommended supplies. This year, they prepared 5000 backpacks. 5000. Backpacks. Full of stuff. Free. And they ran out with a considerable number of kids still left. So they issued vouchers to Walmart for the same items that were being offered at the fair. One $10 backpack, one $5 lunch box, paper, pens, pencils, RoseArt markers and crayons, binders and notebooks. Probably about $70 total. Not a bad deal, especially when you consider most of the recipient families have two or more (many more) kids. Take my next door neighbors, four kids all anchor babies, mom and dad don't speak English, would have received $280 worth of free school supplies."

What happens later, is very disturbing.

That is the "Entitlement Mentality".  No courtesy, no shame.

And it just gets worse every year.  More and more people who are affected by the current economy means more and more people who NEED help.

And yet people like those in the above linked post, make it so more and more organizations are afraid to help.

I see in the future where it will get to the point that many organizations will just stop helping.

Stop giving.

Stop bothering.

Why should they go out of their way when people demand charity, demand more than what is offered freely?

Why should they put up with the headaches and the heartbreaks?

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