Monday, August 18, 2014

Atheism has become a Religion for some

"‘Many Atheists Seem to Have a Rather Thin Skin’: Blaze Readers React to Hollywood Actor Revealing What He Thinks Is ‘Weird’ About Atheists"

I have posted on this a few times before.  Many atheists have made their "Non-Belief" a Religion in and of itself.

Demanding that any display of any diety be removed as it is "offensive" to them.  However many of the comments on the article by people who declare themselves "Atheists" hearten me.


There are some militant atheists, just like there are some religious militants. I’m an atheist, and I don’t care what you believe in. I’m guessing the majority of atheists are like me and have no desire to “convert” you or get into a religious discussion with you. I happen to love Christmas and all the trappings (particularly time spent with family). I could not care less if the town I live in had a nativity scene on display, and I would be very disappointed if there weren’t lots of lights, Christmas trees, and Santa Claus. I happen to like Easter, too. I don’t care to have someone try to convert me to his or her religion or tell me my beliefs are wrong, which is why I normally keep them to myself. I’m also a libertarian, so I believe in liberty. Many laws are based on a religious morality that goes beyond the golden rule. I’m not your brother, and you’re not my keeper. If I want to drink, gamble, or have sexual relations out of wedlock, it is not your business. I don’t think gays deserve to be condemned because of your religious beliefs either. However, I do think you have the right to your beliefs, even the belief that homosexuality is a sin. I don’t think you should have to make them a cake for their weddings, either. Both sides should just follow the golden rule, or try to put yourself in the other person’s shoes.

Well, that’s my atheist take on things anyway."

Dathi, if you read this, I would LOVE to interview you sometime.

You espouse many of my own personal beliefs with the exception that I am a Deist/Theist and believe in our Creator.  However I still feel more kinship towards you than I do rabid Atheists who attempt to force a compliance to their beliefs at the expense of all others.

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