Sunday, August 17, 2014

He needed Killin

As a viable defense.

A case in Angleton Texas has brought up the Old "He Needed Killing" Defense.  Possibly.

"ANGLETON, Texas (AP) -- David Barajas denies killing a drunk driver in a fit of rage after his two sons were fatally struck in 2012 on a rural road in Southeast Texas.

His defense attorney says Barajas is a good man, a grieving father and not a murderer. At the same time, his defense hasn't publicly suggested who else might be responsible for Jose Banda's shooting death."

A drunk driver struck and killed two boys pushing s truck less than 100 feet from their own home.  Allegedly, the boys father came, saw that his children were dead/badly injured, went home got a firearm came back and shot the man who had stuck his kids.

How would you handle it?  If you were on that grand jury?

In 2012, a man beat his childs molester, who he had caught in the act, to death.  The grand jury "No Billed" him. refusing to return an indictment.

In another case in 2013 a man shot and killed a Law Enforcement Officer who was part of a team executing a "No Knock" Warrant on his home.  The man doesn't deny shooting the officer, but said he was in fear of his life and his pregnant girlfriends life.  The Grand Jury declined to indict him as well.

One thing you may notice about these cases.

They are for the most part in rural/suburban areas.

Makes you think?  Doesn't it?

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