Saturday, August 2, 2014

Calling out hypocrites

John Dileo has a post up which I think you should read. I'll do a brief excerpt here.

"Christ didn’t put up with future sin, but He forgave past sins, and advocated leading by example.  He would show the right way, and his apostles too would demonstrate the right way, hoping that as role models they could turn their audiences away from sin and into the light.  He regularly forgave a sinner and then ended the speech with such words as “but from now on, avoid this sin.”

The message was clear:  doing wrong can be forgiven, but advocating that others do wrong – through false teaching, through active endorsement of sinfulness – is another thing entirely, and a much more grievous sin than most.  If you do wrong yourself, that may just be “between you and your God,” as the saying goes.  But leading others astray is a crime with legs, a transgression that tears at the fabric of society, and must be treated differently."

I've had discussions with many atheists, and they all try to pick and choose Bible cites and try to throw them in my face because I believe in something larger than myself, ie: The Creator.

And yet these same people who try to throw their selected and sometime edited cites at me, totally ignore their own and their own sides hypocrisy on many issues.

Same Sex Marriage is one.  I actually had a 4 hour discussion with someone where I tried to get across my belief that the government has no place in the issue as it is a "Religious Sacrament".  Marriage IS for those who want the sanctification of their union by their chosen deity.

If two people want to join into a personal union, fine.  They do up an agreement or contract had file it with the county or city.  DONE!.

If they wish to get married, they do the same but then go to the religious person of their choosing and get the words said.

Either way, the GOVERNMENT has no place in it saying yea or nay.

The only thing the government does is to recognize that there IS a union. 

Civil or otherwise.

And yet this person spent FOUR HOURS telling me I was anti Gay, Anti Same Sex Marriage and on and on.

They refused to even acknowledge what I was saying.

To quote a friend, that person heard what they wanted to hear, not what I was saying.


  1. They have their 'mantra'... How dare you interrupt them... sigh

  2. They have their 'mantra'... How dare you interrupt them... sigh


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