Monday, August 4, 2014

Had a Doctors appointment today

My appointment was at 11:00 a,m.  I showed up at 10:30 to be sure all of my paperwork was in order.  It was.  Sat down in the rather uncomfortable chair at 10:36, pain level around a 4 and a 1/4.  10:53 my back and right leg started to "Twinge", start shifting position constantly and reading Islands of Rage and Hope by John Ringo on my cell phone's Kindle app for about the 7th time since I bought it friday.

11:25 am, lower/mid back and right hip/leg feel as if they are being roasted over coals.  Pain Level now 6.  Still haven't been called back yet.

11:40 am, can't sit still as I can't find any position that ISN'T painful.  Still haven't gone back, pain level 7.5

12:07 pm, finally called back.  It took me 6 attempts to get up out of the chair/torture device.  Pain level approaching 8.

12:10 sit in exam room, chairs in room even WORSE than waiting area. 12:35 pain level above 9, seriously considering calling 911 to be taken to the other side of the medical campus to the ER and to get knocked out.

12:45 pain is about to blow the top of my head off.  I carefully scoot forward and down to the floor, if I hadn't had my cane I never would have been able to do it.  Lie on my back and get my legs up on to the seat of the chair to take pressure off of my lower back.  Pain is almost to the point where I give up and I am actually seeing dark spots in the corners of my vision.

After lying on floor for a few minutes, I carefully do a hip twist and shoulder press to try to get my back, back into alignment.  It sounded like firecrackers were going off in the room. and while painful it wasn't as painful as the rest of my back and the pain started to fade the longer I lay on the floor.

1:07 pm, I carefully pulled myself up to a sitting position on the floor of the exam room., my neck, spine and hips popping on their own as I did so.  Pain level is now down to about 7 and a half again.

1:15 pm I'm sitting on the floor with my head in my hands and my elbows on my thighs when one of the young ladies in the office comes in to take me to get an X-ray.  It takes me almost 5 minutes to get up off the floor and you can hear all of my joints and spine popping the entire time.

1:23, I'm up and the young lady asks me to follow her.  We walk less than 70 feet but it takes me almost 5 minutes to walk it as I'm in so much pain my balance is almost completely shot.

In the X-ray room, she wants me to lay on the x-ray table.  I told her if I get on the table I won't be able to get up.  So we do my x-rays standing up.  I can barely stand and I'm swaying badly.

X-rays done, it's back into the exam room.  I just leaned over the exam table and rested my head on the back of my arms.

1:40 Dr's P.A. came in and we discussed my case.  He asked how am I in such bad shape.

I told him when I came in I was a 4 on the pain scale, his chairs about killed me and I'm close to calling for an ambulance.

So after we finished our talk, I'm now getting scheduled for a CAT Scan with contrast dye now, sometime in the next 2 weeks.

I'm home and after taking pain meds, my pain is about a steady 6.5 and slowly going down.

I'm going to lie down and try to get some rest.

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