Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Obama is Giving the Terrorists back their commanders

Obama Terrorist Released For Bergdahl, Now Commander For Isis

The Obama administration is worried that news of Fazi’s emergence as a top commander in ISIS will worsen public perception of both the terrorist swap for Bergdahl and the GAO’s findings of illegal activity. The two events, taken together, could generate sufficient fallout to derail some of the political agenda President Obama has for the remainder of his “lame duck” term. The White House has gone into full damage control mode regarding both developments.

Unofficial word coming out of the White House is that Fazi has been elevated to the top of a prioritized drone strike list of terrorist targets. It is being speculated that the administration believes that it can mitigate a large portion of the potential political fallout if Fazi, and the embarrassment he represents, is quickly eliminated. To facilitate this elimination large portions of regional drone resources are being specifically tasked with finding and destroying the former prisoner.

What else is he going to do?

Oh yeah, now he wants to ARM Moderates who are supposed to fight against ISIS/ISIL.

Uhhh does anyone else see the problem with this?

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