Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Myths about the Constitution

"Myth seven: The Constitution established a democracy in the United States

The Constitution actually established a republic, as stated in Article IV, Section 4. After the 1787 convention, someone asked Benjamin Franklin what kind of government the new document endorsed: a monarchy or a republic. “A Republic, if you can keep it,” Franklin responded.

A democracy, in general terms, was seen as government by the majority of the people. A republic, also in general terms, added safeguards like checks and balances that ensure that a representative government guaranteed individual rights. Over the years, the use of the words became somewhat interchangeable, and their true meanings are still debated."

This Myth is actually very important.  You have all these politicians (Many Blood Sucking Parasites), saying that we live in a Democracy, our country is a Democracy.  College And High School Student around that nation declaring we have a Democracy.  No you ignorant whinging gas bags, we have a "Republic".  If you want to get technical we have a "Constitutional Republic"  We do NOT have a "Democratic Republic" although many Democrat Politicians, College and University Professors and most of the Left would like it to be so.

We have a Constitutional Repulic.  there are some very informative articles about a Constitutional Republic and everyone should read them.

Here are a few links to the articles.

Constitutional Republic Law & Legal Definition

A Constitutional Republic

An Important Distinction: Democracy versus Republic

Right now, the vast majority of the Politicians (hack spit),want you to think and believe that the United States is a Democracy.  Why?  They want you to believe that so more power and authority can be bound up into the Federal Government.  With that power and authority, the Rights of the States and the People, (meaning you and me) becomes less.  Until such time you and I are not Free Citizens, but Subjects.  Not the word choice I used, Free Citizens.  I did not mean THESE people.

I myself am a Free Citizen of the Republic of the United States of America and the State of Texas.

By Free Citizen, I mean I am an equal member of this Nation and State.  I am the equal of any other man, women or child.  Regardless of Race, Creed or Ethnicity.  And I have a Voice in how this Nation is to be managed and run.

Many on the Left, don't like that.  They don't like that I demand a proper accounting of the monies the Government both Federal and State spend supposedly on my behalf and for my defense.  They don't like that I demand they follow the laws they are Sworn to Obey.  They don't like that I demand they be held to the Oaths they have sworn.  And those who are forsworn be removed from authority and punished.

You see they WANT their Democracy.  Gathering all the power to the Federal Government, so it can be doled out as favors and repayments for past and future influence.

They are about POWER.  Not Governance.

The power to tell you what to eat, what kind of vehicle you can drive, how much electricity you can use in your home.  What you can do with your own property and belongings.

I want a small government responsible to the People and to the Constitution.

I don't Federal Agencies that make up rules they don't have the authority to.  I want Peace Officers, not Police Officers.

I want the Rights that the Constitution doesn't GIVE but Affirms.

And I want the Government from Federal all the way down to the local Fiefdoms to keep their noses out of my business and LEAVE ME ALONE!

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