Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Suing the suppliers because of a killer - Colarado Batman Shooting

"The parents of a young woman killed in the Colorado theater massacre have filed a lawsuit against four retailers, accusing them of improperly selling ammunition, tear gas, a high-capacity magazine and body armor to suspected gunman James Holmes.

The lawsuit alleges it was illegal and negligent to sell the gear to Holmes, who killed 12 people and injured 70 when he opened fire inside a suburban Denver theater during a midnight screening of the Batman film The Dark Knight Rises on July 20, 2012..

It says the companies had no safeguards to keep dangerous people from buying their goods."

I can understand the parents desire to find some sort of justice for the murder of their child.  However, it was NOT illegal to sell ammunition and other products to the Psycho I will not name.

Why was it not illegal?

Because the Mental Health Professionals who were SUPPOSED to report him by Law, did not do so.

Therefore he was NOT a "Prohibited Person" and the sale were legal under the color of the Law.

The real persons responsible for the shooting were the Psycho and the people who had not only the chance, means  and opportunity but the LEGAL Responsibility to report him, didn't.  therefore when he filled out his Form 4473 and had his NICS check he didn't have his purchase of the weapons stopped cold.

Also, how is a retailer to know who is and isn't a "Prohibited Person"?

There are no mechanisms in place to ensure that the end user of a product isn't prohibited from owning the items purchased.  And there SHOULDN'T BE.

So how could the companies involved make an "Illegal and Negligent" sale?

From the timing of this case and who the targets of it are, this leads me to believe that #1 a connected attorney is involved and #2 this case will be headlined in the upcoming elections.

This is nothing more than an attempt to raise calls for MORE regulation and lists and checks, than a true desire for justice for their slain child.

Watch the news in the next month or so if you don't believe me.

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