Friday, October 17, 2014

Conspiracy theorying

That is where you look around at all of the information available to you, public or otherwise, and a germ of an idea starts to take root in your head.

Fact, Illegal Aliens are bringing diseases into this country, the gov, knows about this but refuses to do anything about it.

Fact, A HIGHLY DEADLY and INFECTIOUS Disease has already been brought into the country and possibly hundreds if not thousands of people have been exposed to it.

Fact, for the last several years, the Gov has been arming the police and encouraging a dangerous mindset in said officers and departments.

Fact, The military has been gutted of a LOT of competent officers some for legitimate reasons but many for unusual reasons.

Fact, The military is being downsized forcing many troops into a stagnant job market with little opportunity.

Fact, The Gov is arming so called moderate indigenous fighters who are just as bad in some cases as those they are intended to fight.

Fact, The Gov is NOT arming the indigenous fighters who are ACTUALLY the good guys and WILL fight.

Fact, Various Executive Orders have been singed and issued degrading the Constitutional Rights of American Citizens, but have no affect on Illegal Aliens.

There are many other Facts, but to get to my point here I will include the Theorying I've been thinking about.

Theorem:  The current mess is intentional as a preface to the possible declaration of a type of Martial Law due to exigent circumstances supposedly to stop the spread of Ebola, Marburg and Enterovirus D68.

Which is why common sense travel restrictions nor proper security of the border being undertaken.

Certain persons WANT the outbreak to happen and get worse.


One train of thought is to force the Gov to take over fully   And any resistance to the takeover which they are hoping for, would give them a reason to use the so-called "FEMA Camps".

The problem here is I have seen certain facilities way out in the hinterland that have no purpose for being there.  I'm not saying that they ARE FEMA Concentration Camps, remember I'm just "Theorying" here.

The Gov has already put into place banking (<~~ That is a PDF) and other regulations that would allow them to freeze or seize the assets of anyone it chooses to.

So if things do go in to the khazi, your savings would be taken, your home and all of your stuff would be taken and you and your family would be "Relocated" until the end off the emergency.

Now you have probably heard dozens if not HUNDREDS of Conspiracy Theorists saying similar things to what I just typed.

Unlike them I'm not trying to convince of anything other that to look around for yourself.

Read and research for yourself.

I have never demanded you believe anything I write, just that you keep an open mind and go look for yourself.

I'm just theorying here, not theorizing, no broaching hypotheticals.

Why ELSE would the Gov take the "Non-Measures" they have as it come in regard to Ebola, Marburg and ENVD68?

So maybe my thoughts are out of whack, but I personally cannot believe the Gov is THIS Incompetent.  And there has to be some reason other than stupidity on the parts of the Gov/CDC.

I KNOW for a fact that USARMIID had a plan for possible infectious outbreaks wayyyyy back in 1985.  How do I know?  I was a Medical Specialist assigned to a Army Reserve Hospital and we we TRAINED on the plan before the groups doing their two weeks training in Guatemala and El Salvador left for the airport.  For two months PRIOR to them going, our drill weekends were nothing but going OVER that plan that USARMID had sent down to ALL Medical units in the CONUS.  Regular, Reserve and National Guard.

We were instructed and TRAINED to use FULL PPE countermeasures.  Including Decontamination, Negative and Positive Pressure Rooms, Air Filtration Systems Maintenance and Operations.

This was back in 1985!!!

What happened since then?

And back then we were already concerned with Anthrax and Ebola.  Those were the two things which we drilled for preventing and treating outbreaks of.

Remember?  This was the Gulf of Sidra time, Grenada time.

Myself and many others were practically convinced our unit was going to be activated at any time.  Our units Pre-Po in Germany, had been inspected.  I came very close to being on the team that went to do that.  Nevermind that it was 8 months since the last inspection and normally it was only inspected every 18 months.

So I've seen some things in my time.

And I look around now, and there is NO WAY the people in charge are THAT Incompetent and Stupid, unless it is intentional.

So take from my little Theorying what you will.  All I ask is that you look around you, read all the news reports and make your own determination.

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