Thursday, October 16, 2014

Germany's Intel Agencies assisting the NSA

"Just over a week ago, the regional German paper Süddeutsche Zeitung and the regional broadcasters NDR and WDR came with a story saying that between 2004 and 2008, the German foreign intelligence service BND had tapped into the Frankfurt internet exchange DE-CIX and shared the intercepted data with the NSA. As not all communications of German citizens could be filtered out, this is considered a violation of the constitution."

How many more projects are we going to learn about going on in secret?

As technology advances, various intelligence agencies are going to look at all their new little toys, and think up ways to use them. Legally or not.

My personal opinin on this, if an agent, agency or whomever violates thee laws of thier own country such as has been done here in the US and now in Germany, that in my opinion is Treason.

And they should be tried for that as such.

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