Wednesday, October 15, 2014

New Sponsor - Target Sports USA

Over on the top right of my sidebar you will notice a new banner.

Target Sports USA is sponsoring me here and we'll see where it goes.

Right now the only payment they are giving me, is ammunition, which I will also be testing and writing up here on the blog.

I now have on it's way here a 1,400 round bucket of .22 LR.  It's currently showing out of stock on their site, but the young lady I have been corresponding with assures me that since they are revamping their website, their inventory system is just a bit out of whack.

So if it's showing out of stock on the site, it might not be.  But even if it is, you can always sign up for an e-mail notification to be informed when it comes back into stock.

Now the best thing about Target Sports USA I think is the free shipping on bulk ammo orders.

Order over a certain amount, even if it a bucket or a bulk pack box of .22, you get it shipped to you, FREE.

I hope you my readers will avail yourselves of their services, as I am hoping if possible 5 or 6 months down the road to horsetrade with them on an 1851 Colt Navy Revolver in .36 Caliber.

Why .36?  Why not .44?

Because .36 caliber is also known as 000 Buck and will reduce the number of things I needs to keep track of in my reloading.

Many years ago I built my first firearm from a kit.

A CVA Colt 1851 Navy Revolver in .36.

It took me a few months of trial and error and having to replace a few parts after I got overzealous with a file or over tightened a screw or two.  But in the end I had learned how to build a kit revolver, finish the steel and I had found a method of using Oxphoblue Cold Blue to make the steel parts of the revolver look as if it WAS and actual Civil War piece.  I had also found a method of using the Oxphoblue to make it look like a factory new revolver.

No one really makes the kits, but Target Sports USA DOES sell Modern Reproductions of the 1851.  And I have always regretted selling mine, which got me quite a few rabbits and squirrels in the time I owned it.  It had the power between a .38 Colt Short and a .38 Colt Long when loaded to the maximum, which isn't anything to sneeze at.

And like I said, the .360 balls used in the 1851 are the same as 000 buck which I can use when I reload my shotshells.

So please click on the link, and even if something is out of stock on the website, give them a call, they are still doing their site revamp so the site might be wrong.

And please tell them you got their from my poor little corner of the blogosphere.

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