Thursday, October 16, 2014

The Children's Story

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The Children's Story - James Clavell - 512kb MPEG4 Right Click Save As

From Wikipedia

"Plot summary

The story takes place in an unnamed school classroom in the United States, in the aftermath of a war between the US and an unnamed country. It is implied that America has been defeated and occupied. The story opens with the previous teacher leaving the classroom, having been removed from her position and replaced with an agent of the foreign power. The new teacher has been trained in propaganda techniques, and is responsible for re-educating the children to be supportive of their occupiers. During the course of the story, the children are persuaded to abandon their religion and national loyalty. Framing the story is the fact that, while the children have ritually recited a 'Pledge of Allegiance' every morning, none know what it actually means. The teacher is relentlessly positive about the change, offering the children candy, songs and praise. When asked if the war was won or lost, she responds only that "we won", implying that everyone would benefit from the conquest.[4]

Only one student is initially hostile to the new teacher, a child named Johnny, whose father had been arrested and placed in a re-education camp. At first, he defends his father, but when he is rewarded by the teacher with a position of authority in the class, he quickly accepts the new regime and commits himself to not accepting "wrong thoughts". The story takes place over a twenty-five minute span."

What do you see in our schools now?  Do they recite the pledge?  Do they know what it means?  Are they allowed to pray?  Or are they discouraged?  Is only OFFICIAL information allowed?  And discussion of things which aren't approved, not allowed?

Are our children taught the history of our country and it's founding fathers?  Are our children taught the reward for hard work?  Or are they rewarded for toeing the line and not making trouble?

How many of our children who question the official line are those who are medicated to ensure compliance?

Just who IS the enemy?

The First part of this story can be read on at the following link:  The Children's Story - James Clavell

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