Thursday, October 16, 2014

WMD's WERE found in Iraq

In case the video doesn't embed properly here is the direct link.

Chemical Secrets of the Iraq War

There is also an article about the casualties that were suffered by from these weapons, the following link goes to that article.

The Secret Casualties of Iraq’s Abandoned Chemical Weapons

I have posted before about how satellite tracking showed hundreds of trucks leaving Iraq before and during the Iraq Invasion. The trucks went to Aleppo Syria, and the Bekaa Valley in Lebanon

A person known to me said some of the trucks went into the Bekaa and "just vanished", their words not mine.  This person also said that there were signs of heavy earth moving equipment being used in the area.  The hypothesis is the trucks were buried in the Bekaa so they could be recovered later.

And just how did the Syrian Rebels get  the chemical weapons they were purported to have used?  The ones that they supposedly used shortly after they got into Aleppo?

And through it all, the U.S. Government stayed silent.

I have it on good authority that Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid were both briefed on the trucks and the possibility of what they were carrying.  And they ignored it and played politics to attack the Administration in power at that time.

And our troops, have suffered for it.  Innocent civilians have continued to suffer for it.

And as you get ready to go to the Polls in a few weeks to vote, remember our troops and the innocents who have suffered because of "Politicians" and their desire for power over doing what is right and just.

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