Monday, November 24, 2014

Obama Administration issuing Regs, hoping you don't know

"While Americans are focused on what delicious foods they’re going to eat for Thanksgiving, the White House is focused on releasing its massive regulatory agenda — marking the fifth time the Obama administration has released its regulatory road map on the eve of a major holiday.

The federal Unified Agenda is the Obama administration’s regulatory road map, and it lays out thousands of regulations being finalized in the coming months. Under President Barack Obama, there has been a tradition of releasing the agenda late on Friday — and right before a major holiday."

Once again, they are trying to slide stuff under the radar.  So while you are having thanksgiving with your family, there are releasing regulations which affect everyone's lives.  And they do it in such a way that you remain ignorant to them, until it is too late.

SO while I know you would prefer to relax and eat turkey, until you pop, take a bit of tie to check out the regulations as they are released.  Keep an eye out on the news.  And if what you find out doesn't seem right.  Speak Out.

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