Monday, November 24, 2014

US Navy Admiral Denies culpability in Counterfeiting case.

"WASHINGTON – An admiral linked by Navy investigators to counterfeit casino chips denied Sunday that he played any role in making them.

Investigation records say his DNA was found on the underside of an adhesive sticker used to alter one of the phony chips, but previously undisclosed emails indicate that the presence of his DNA is not conclusive evidence that he was involved in the fakery.

Rear Adm. Timothy M. Giardina, who was fired last year as No. 2 commander of U.S. nuclear forces at an early stage of a Navy criminal investigation into the counterfeit chips, acknowledged to The Associated Press that he played the fake chips at a poker table in the Horseshoe Casino in Council Bluffs, Iowa, in June 2013.

But he denied any involvement in the counterfeiting or even knowing the chips were fakes at the time he used them."

This seems like a very stupid reason to lose your career over.

Counterfeiting poker chips?

Personally if you do something like that I don't want you in command of our troops/sailors/airmen, whatever your branch.  (Yes I did but the Army and the Marine Corps together as Troops)  Because you have shown a distinct lack of moral character and are a weasel.

And weasels get our troops killed.  Look to the current resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. for proof of that.

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