Friday, January 23, 2015

A Web-comic you should read

There is some NSFW pages, and it's not really all that long as most web-comics go, only about 350 pages or so.  But it tells a story, it has a good plot, and a definite if slightly sad ending.  It is also what I consider to be very good science fiction.  So good that others who have read it, have printed out all of the artwork and bound it into actual real dead tree paper books.  One gentleman gave copies to his local library.  Were it not for certain of the aforementioned NSFW pages, I would do the same myself.

The Comic is called Never Mind The Gap

And there is a very special reason for that title.  All of which is actually explained in the story leading up to the ending.

The author has moved onto other works now, which I am still going through, but I really think you might enjoy this particular story.  And on most places the adage is "Don't Read The Comments"  Well on this story, you DO want to read the comments.

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