Thursday, January 22, 2015

The Song is Over

This is the final song of the songs I want played at my Memorial/Wake. If you have never understood the significance of the song, I suggest you read the linked Wiki Article about The Who's Lifehouse.

For then, my Song will be over.  And I will be searching for the new Song while yours and everyone else's Song will continue.

For while we are in this world, our lives are just that.  A Song we create.  The song and music of our lives  Every action, every thought, all build the Song.  And when we are gone, our Song is Over.  Never to be played again on this plane of existence.

I have been looking at my own mortality and I realize that I have had a rich Song.  It could have been richer and happier inn some parts, but it is still a good Song.

So when I go to meet our Creator, I will have a good Song to play for him, that only He and I have been able to hear until that point.

All the pain, all the sadness have made the Song more dear.  Just as all the happiness and joy, have elevated my heart.

I will go forth to the new Song in great happiness.

Some say that when we die, there is nothing.  I do not, cannot believe that.

There is too much unexplained, too many coincidences, for our very being, to be a piece of random chance.

For those who deny that, I feel, I guess you could say pity, but that is not quite right, because they exclude themselves from the wonder that is this creation.

I had an argument once with an atheist.  This person, I won't identify the gender, asked if I could prove our Creator existed.  My response?  Look at what is around you.  Then I asked them if they could prove our Creator doesn't exist.  They got rather mad at me and used some words I won't reproduce here.

The very fact that we exist, to me, is proof of our Creators existence.  He/She/It doesn't need qualification or double blind case studies to me.  We are here, this world is here.  The wonders of the universe are in our sky.  Our Creator exists, because he/she/it left such beauty for us to behold and explore.

Do I know the nature of our Creator, who some call God, Yahweh, Allah and many other names?  No, I don't.  I just know that this world around us that encompasses us is proof of the existence of a Creator.

Back to the afterlife.  Is is some great Heaven full of all our of our loved ones?  I don't know.  I hope and pray for that.  However for all I know each time someone dies they become a new atom extending the creation of our plane of existence.

There are arguments for and against for both.  I just don't know.

That leads to do we actually have a soul.

For that I'll direct you to Dr. Duncan MacDougall As far as I know, no one else has tried to replicate his experiment.  And I imagine that if someone did in these times various atheist groups would do everything in the power to prevent it.  For if it were validated, imagine how it would discredit their own beliefs.  As it is, Snopes, has already tried to discredit Dr. MacDougall's work  Hollywood played on this, with a rather forgettable film That really had nothing at all to do with the research.

So do we?

I believe we do.  Can I prove it?  Not to anyone other than myselfs satisfaction.  I know inside my own heart and mind that we all have a soul.  Everything has a soul.

And with that, I'll get the atheists and the rabid vegans and other who will scream at me about why do I eat meat and meat is murder etc ad nauseum.

My answer?  These are my beliefs and I don't have to justify them to anyone but myself now go away and bother someone else.  The rabid atheists and vegans and animal rights people wonder why many people despise them.  It's because they don't seem to acknowledge the standards of common courtesy and behavior.  If they want me to treat them as an equal, instead of spoiled brats, then they should act like equals.

I have gotten rather astray so I will end this treatise for the nonce.

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