Monday, January 19, 2015

Accidents Happen

I'm here charging camera batteries, checking disc's, cards, regular alkaline batteries, are all good. Checking and lubricating my 4 tripods and my monopod. I reach into my camera bag to get out the little 7" LCD tv I keep in there to hook up to my Sony camera so I have a better view while filming and when I turn it on. There is a crack in the screen. And my little Filming TV which helps me to frame my shots better is now useless to me.

The boys admitted that they dropped the camera bag when they unloaded it from my truck.

I doubt I'll be able to get my filming done this week like I had hoped and planned on.

And I don't know when I'll be able to buy another mini tv like this or even be able to afford it.

I want to be angry, but accidents do happen. So I'm more disgusted, than anything else right now.

A friend on Book of Face said I should make my Amazon Wish List public and post it on here to see if any of my readers might wish to help me replace it.

I don't know.

I very rarely ask my readership for anything.  I usually try my best to give things.  My so-called wit, information I think they should know, stuff to make their day a little brighter.

So I'll put it to my readers.

Leave a comment if you think I should post my Amazon Wish list, to see if anyone can help me replace my little LCD tv.

Or leave a comment if you think I should just suck it up and do without it until I can get the funds together to replace it on my own.

Either way, I would really like your input.

1 comment:

  1. I think you should have your kids replace it. I accidentally scratched the lens on my Dads Leica binoculars, and I accidentally had them repaired. It cost me about a months worth of newspaper delivery profit. I learned something.


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