Monday, January 19, 2015

Liberal Left Hollywood is smearing Chris Kyle as a Murderer.

"Let’s start with a fact heartbreaking to the Left: Not only is this fact not ignored in the film, it is the WHOLE POINT of the film.

“American Sniper” is not “Selma” — “American Sniper” doesn’t lie.

Here’s a Pond quote where he gets slippery:

But Academy members seem to be paying attention to the criticism that Eastwood and star/producer Bradley Cooper shouldn’t be celebrating a man who wrote that killing hundreds of Iraqis was “fun.”

Note how Pond doesn’t use quotes around the word “Iraqis.” What he’s doing here is turning Kyle’s word “enemy” into the word “Iraqis” as a way to make it seem as though Kyle murdered civilians.

The money quote from the New Republic article is just as deceptive:

But anyone who has read Kyle’s autobiography of the same title knows that his bravado left no room for doubt. For him, the enemy are savages and despicably evil. His only regret is that he didn’t kill more. He laments that there were rules of engagement, or ROE, which he describes as being drafted by lawyers to protect generals from politicians. He argues instead for letting warriors loose to fight wars without their hands tied behind their backs. At another point, he boasts that the unofficial ROE were pretty simple: “If you see anyone from about sixteen to sixty-five and they’re male, shoot ‘em. Kill every male you see.”

This fact about killing every adult male you see is also in the film. Unlike The New Republic, though, Eastwood puts the quote in the correct context. Kyle is talking about no-go zones; areas that were officially evacuated. The legitimate strategy behind this was that only the enemy (evil savage terrorists) would remain in officially evacuated areas.

The lies of omission in this left-wing campaign are bad enough; what’s laughably outrageous is the Left pretending to care about the Iraqi people."

That is why Michael Moore, and many others are spouting the garbage out of their mouths right now.

The idea that a man. A US Serviceman. Can do his job so well, that actual bounty's were put on his head, and that man is Eulogized through a great film which is making hundred of millions of dollars.

They cannot hack that, they can't comprehend that.

All the while, the Great Leftist Film by the greatest Woman, no greatest BLACK Woman in the world, "Selma" hasn't even made back it's cost of production and publicity yet.

The Leftists literally cannot allow this to happen. Therefore to quote Shrek "Bring out your Torch and Pitchforks!". 

They have gone on the attack.  To smear and twist the words from Chris Kyle's book, to make it seem as if he and by association all of our servicemen and women are nothing but ad dog killers who could snap at any moment and start killing and destroying.

That is the underlying message of this smear attack.

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