Monday, January 19, 2015

Asset Forfeiture just became harder for Law Enforcement.

US Attorney General Eric Holder just dis-incentivized the Federal Asset Forfeiture program that allowed Law Enforcement to trap you into allowing them to search your car then seizing any thing of value you might have.

"In Post’s a series of exposes titled, “Your property is guilty until you prove it innocent,” the policy allows law enforcement’s perspective to force the owners to “prove” all the seized property was legally acquired in order to recover any assets.

Journalists documented from Justice Department data obtained through Freedom of Information Act requests that “local and state police routinely pulled over drivers for minor traffic infractions, pressed them to agree to warrantless searches and seized large amounts of cash without evidence of wrongdoing.” The aggressive style of policing, called “highway interdiction,” involved authorities seizing money and property during routine traffic stops, that left thousands of people not indicted for criminal activity, but forced to fight protracted legal battles to regain their money and cars.

The Post found evidence that police were spending the confiscation proceeds with little oversight to buy luxury cars, assault weapons, military-grade gear and armored cars."

What this will mean until it gets spread around to all the various agencies is anybodies guess.

Maybe now there can be an accounting of just what has been taken and from whom.  And to allow for the possibility that innocent people can regain their funds and possessions or at least a settlement from the agency that took their property.

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