Friday, January 16, 2015

CNN's distorted rifle comparison

Uploaded on Apr 8, 2010

In May, 2003, CNN disingenuously demonizes so-called "assault weapons," with then Broward County (FL) Sheriff Ken Jenne first firing a then-banned semi-auto AK-47 copy into cinder blocks, showing the damage, and then shooting an AWB compliant AK copy, but not mentioning the fact that he was shooting into the ground, rather than the blocks, in order to give the impression that the banned gun was vastly more destructive than the legal one.

This is just how LOW the Media and Law Enforcement will go to, to try to force something down our throats.  They are relying on the lack of knowledge and gullibility of the general populace.

And I just heard from Miguel The proprietor of over on Book of Facehe told me that the Lying Sheriff who made this video is now an Convicted Felon.

"Former Florida senator and Broward County sheriff Ken Jenne's long fall from grace hit a low point on Nov. 16, 2007, when a judge sentenced him to a year and a day in prison. He had been convicted of mail fraud and tax evasion in connection with more than $150,000 in loans, gifts and payments he received while in office as sheriff."

 At least now we know that HE can no longer own or posses firearms.

And as I heard from Miguel, Sheriff Jenne used to send his Deputies to the same range he and his friends competed at, to "Watch" them.  More like harass them.

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