Friday, January 16, 2015

Did you know that Matt from Demolition Ranch is a Veterinarian?

 I didn't.  Until I watched his video on Full 30 dot com about shooting AR-500 Armor plate with 50 shotgun slugs.

I mentioned it off hand, so I did a quick google search.

Just use - demolition ranch veterinarian as your search terms and you can find his Rescue organization and Facebook page url's. ORrrrrr You can look below where I made click links to take you there.

Is his Charitable Vet Rescue organization page.  Please make a donation as every dollar helps animals in need.

Then there is the Vet Ranch YouTube page:

So visit over there as well to see video about some of the animals he and donations from people like you and I, helped to heal them.

Then there is the Facebook page for Vet Ranch:

Where he also posts updates.

And don't forget, he still has his main channel  Demolition Ranch, the proceeds from which he uses to pay for treatment of all those animals you see on his Vet Ranch page.

And Demolition Ranch also has it's own Facebook page:

So give him and some very needy animals some of your support.

And of course, I HAVE to include a video from each YouTube page.

First up Vet Ranch

And now for one from Demolition Ranch

So click on the above links, and think about maybe donating some $$ to help Matt treat and save some animals.  Also every time you DO watch one of his videos you are kicking him a half a cent or so.  So watch 'em as often as you can.

1 comment:

  1. Since I have been getting a LOT of hits on this post specifically, the search term "Who is the ACTOR in the demolition Ranch videos"

    Matt is NOT an actor, he is just a guy who likes to shoot a lot and blow up stuff, who also happens to be a real licensed veterinarian. And as a veterinarian he also runs a charity to help treat abused, abandoned and other animals.

    I DO know who he is, I DO know where his Vet Clinic is, I DO know he IS Licensed as a Vet, but I will NOT post that information nor give it out so don't bother asking.

    The man has a wife and kids in addition to his employees and they DO NOT need a bunch of people suddenly dropping in to his clinic interrupting them. If you wish to donate to Vet Ranch Rescue, go to their website and click on the Donate button.

    Also every view or share of the Vet Ranch and Demolition Ranch video generates money for the charity to help treat animals.

    So watch and share all of Matt's videos.

    And NO I do NOT know Dr. Karri, Dr. Dave or Dr Wendy, I just know Dr. Matt (not KNOW, know, but I know who he is)

    So please respect All of the Vet Ranch Dr's privacy. If you want to help click on the link above to go to Vet Ranch Rescue and click on the Donate button and watch and share all of the video's on Vet Ranch and Demolition Ranch. Every view means more money that goes directly to the Vet Ranch Rescue Charity.


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