Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Here is the next Ferguson and "I Can't Breath"

"BRIDGETON, N.J. (AP) — Another videotaped police killing is raising tensions in another town, this time in New Jersey, where a tense traffic stop ended with a passenger shot to death as he stepped out of a car with his hands raised at shoulder height.

The newly released footage from a police dashboard camera shows Bridgeton officers Braheme Days and Roger Worley in a Dec. 30 stop that escalates quickly after Days warns his partner about seeing a gun in the glove compartment of the Jaguar."

After some digging it seems the man who was shot does have a criminal history, and I haven't seen the video yet, but I will just say that it sounds like the Police Officers need retraining in "Use of Force"

I will hold any judgement further until I have seen the video.


Someone over on Book of Face found video and more info.

Bloomfield cops call for official misconduct charges to be dismissed, say they were treated unfairly

VIDEO: 2 Bloomfield cops indicted after dashboard video shows them hitting suspect

So make your own determination.

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