Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Man Assaults Legal Concealed Carrier

Dang it I HATE excerpting a whole article but it's just so short.


Hillsborough deputies arrested a man who spotted someone with a gun, followed him into a Walmart, and tackled him. The problem? The man with the gun had a concealed weapons permit, and the man who rushed him didn't call 911 or alert store security.

According to the sheriff's office, Michael Foster, 43, saw Clarence Daniels, 62, in the Walmart parking lot with a gun holstered under his coat.

Foster followed Daniels into the store, put him in a choke-hold and brought him to the ground, the sheriff's office said. He then started yelling that Daniels had a gun.

A struggle ensued, with Daniels yelling that he had a permit. Security detained both men until deputies arrived.

They confirmed Daniels had a permit for the gun, and arrested Foster.

He is charged with one count of battery."

That is the whole of the story, however there are two pictures in the article.  And it looks like the man who was a licensed Concealed Carrier is black and the man who assaulted him is white.

THAT right there doesn't look very good.

Me personally, if I saw someone who was carrying concealed and accidentally uncovered their weapon and I was concerned I would keep an eye on them.  If I could plainly SEE that the weapon was in a holster however, I rally wouldn't be too concerned.  If they were "Mexican" carrying, I would be concerned.

A person who has a Concealed Carry License/Permit WILL use a proper Holster to safely carry their weapon.  Although I have seen a few IDIOTS with permit "Mexican" carry without a holster.  For the most part, gang bangers don't use holsters.  Reason number one, they don't want to spend the money, reason number two, they don't know which holster would fit their usually STOLEN weapon.

So if I see someone carrying in a holster, black or white.  I just make sure I pay attention to them and their body language and try to keep them in my sphere of awareness.  Other than that, I do nothing.

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