Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Feminists deride and ignore a REAL Rape vicitm

Just because she doesn't fit into the little niche they want to put her in.  Just because she isn't a SJW or a Liberal Leftist Butt Muncher.  So for that, they IGNORE and DERIDE the fact that this woan was raped in her hom in front of her children by FIVE people who SHOULD HAVE STILL BEEN IN JAIL!

"Completely SICK! Where Is The Liberal Feminist Outrage For This Rape Victim??

This whole story makes me so mad. And it illustrates perfectly why I don't take liberal feminists' claims that we live in a "rape culture" seriously. If they really cared about rape victims and so-called "rape culture" - they should be ALL OVER this story.

Last month, retired porn star Cytherea was brutally raped after three teens broke into her home. The attack was so heinous, the teens are going to be tried as adults. Oh - and Cytherea's children were in the house when all this occurred."

They also embed Mercedes Carrera's Video rant, and you should watch/listen to it. It IS NSFW though because of language, but it is very telling of the Leftist Liberals and thei own personal agendas and goals.

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