Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Multi Cultural Film Industry Worshop?

Hi there everyone. Check out the new look of your first Multicultural Film Industry Social Lab. You can access the network by going to ;
Have a great week. 

No one give me any guff for being a member of the Film Actors Network, ok? But this was in my inbox from them today.

My only response, WTH?

1 comment:

Please moderate yourself and your language. No posting of links to businesses, if you have a business you wish to advertise send me an e-mail. Please do not hide links in a comment. Post any links in full.

If you do not have a full user profile, your comment may be reported as spam. Particularly if you post a link to a commercial site.


It doesn't take much to fill your profile and put in a picture.

Thank you for reading my blog.