Thursday, February 12, 2015

How This Left-Wing Activist Manipulates the Media to Spread His Message

Over on the Observer, they have an interview with a "Terrorist". 

Small excerpt below, click on it to go RTWT.

My blueprint—straight from your Trust Me, I’m Lying playbook—was as follows:

     Set up an anonymous burner email account.

     Identify people (leftist/libertarian-leaning celebrities and public figures) with large Twitter followings, 
     get their personal email addresses.

     Email them a link to the site and a two-line email about how this is the best site ever and how 
     “surprised” I am they haven’t tweeted it yet. Pretty simple.

     Trade it up the chain until hitting something big.

Leverage my anonymity to offer Alex Jones the exclusive on my identity reveal, for an interview.

Maybe those of us who are right of Center and Right can use this to our advantage?

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