Thursday, February 12, 2015

I wonder why I'm suddenly popular in China?

That is the 4th time they've shown up in my logs in the last 3 days.  Same IP Address for all 4 of them too.

Could it have something to do with the cameras I bought off of E-bay?  One of which is still giving me fits.  It is supposed to be a WiFi enabled Camera, and yet I still cannot get it to connect to my tablet, my computer, or my cell phone.  Not even after resetting it to factory defaults twice.

Maybe it something to do with the fact that USPS, CBP, or the NSA, held on to my camera for almost a full week before sending it back on it's way to me?

If so, THANKS!!, GUYS and GALS!!

One of the reasons I GOT this camera was because it is WiFi capable and you messed that up so I can't use like I intended to.  Mainly by putting it down range and viewing it's output on my tablet so I can see better, how my shots are.

It took almost a full month to get to me, and according to the USPS site, you guys had it in your grubby little digits, from the time it entered the country until it was finally delivered to my house, for a grand total of 12 days.

I'm just betting, the BoreScope Camera I ordered, which is still "SOMEWHERE" in transit will be delayed as well.  Uhh, Guys and Gals, I NEED my stuff to WORK the way it's SUPPOSED TO!!  Not, I get it and it doesn't work like advertised which means I have to waste time e-mailing back and forth, then sending stuff back and waiting for it to be replaced/repaired and sent back.  Plus paying for the return shipping, which has a few times been almost as much as I PAID for the camera or other item.

Please Guys and Gals, quit messing with my stuff.

If you want to know what I'm doing with my stuff, my E-mail is over there on the right under where it says "Send a Missive"   But Hey, you guys probably have my cell number anyway, just send me a Text Message.  Heck you can even go to the shooting range with me sometime to see me using the stuff.  Please quit messing with my stuff.  I can't afford to send the stuff back to get it fixed.

But I still can't figure out why my little corner of the innertubes is getting traffic from China,

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