Saturday, February 14, 2015

Illegal Immigrants could now be registering to vote

"President Obama’s temporary deportation amnesty will make it easier for illegal immigrants to improperly register and vote in elections, state elections officials testified to Congress on Thursday, saying that the driver’s licenses and Social Security numbers they will be granted create a major voting loophole.

While stressing that it remains illegal for noncitizens to vote, secretaries of state from Ohio and Kansas said they won’t have the tools to sniff out illegal immigrants who register anyway, ignoring stiff penalties to fill out the registration forms that are easily available at shopping malls, motor vehicle bureaus and in curbside registration drives."

The Democrats response? "Well it's illegal for them to do so, so they won't." Uhhh they are ALREADY BREAKING THE LAW JUST BY BEING IN THIS COUNTRY!!!!!

DO you IDIOTS THINK they won't break another law?

Their very PRESENCE in the United States of America is ILLEGAL!!!

And you people want to let them stay? Give them TAX REFUNDS? Earned Income Credit?

Uhhh NO!

They have to LEAVE and if they want to come BACK to this country, they need to do it LEGALLY like thousands of OTHERS do EVERY YEAR!

You Dem's are all about "Being Fair" Well how is it "Fair" that these people get to jump to the head of the line in front of people who have filled out every form and crossed their "T's" and dotted their "I's" and paid their Fees and paid immigration attorney's, just for you to let MILLIONS of people who are here ILLEGALLY anyway cut in front of them? How is that "Fair"?

You WANT these people to register to vote. Because you KNOW that if they don't, you will LOSE the next general election.

You entire PARTY is built upon Voter Fraud, which you deny exists. and you KNOW that you are losing the Black and the Union Votes AND their Campaign Contributions. So you bring this Amnesty into play to do an end run around the law and the Constitution.

I swear each and every one of you need to be tarred, feathered and forbidden from ANY public office, and a vast majority of the GOP needs to join you there as well.

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