Saturday, February 14, 2015

Range Report - Tactical Industries 22 AR Conversion

First time on the range for my Tactical Industries AR 22 Conversion and a mount I made for my 808 Keychain camera. Yes I know the date is wrong. This was filmed 2/14/2015.

The Tactical Industries 22 AR Conversion using Black Dog X-Form Magazines and Winchester White Box 40 grain ammunition that I was sent by Target Sports USA, for the most part worked good. I'm thinking the issues I was having were related to inadequate lubrication and ammunition used.

Most of the issues were either not going fully into battery so it could be fired or weak extraction. I had several fired cases stovepipe and a couple of failure to feed. Again I'm thinking it's lubrication or ammunition. I will try a different lubrication, this time it was lubricated with CLP, and see how it functions. If I still have issues I will go back to the CLP but change the ammunition to a hotter load if I can find one.

Accuracy out of my 1:8 Surplus Ammo and Arms upper was more than acceptable. I fired a rapid fire 10 round string at 25 yards that measured only 2 inches using an inexpensive Leaper Red/Green Dot sight.

To read about my 808 Keychain camera and the mount I made for it click on the following link:

All in all I am pleased with the performance of the Conversion Unit and my mount. I will be doing some more testing and taking more video as funds allow me to stock up on ammo or my sponsors can send me.

NOTE: The only thing I did not pay for personally was the Winchester Whitebox Ammo from Target Sports USA. Everything else I paid for out of my own pocket. I did not get any special deals or pricing. I paid retail prices, and I'm not getting any consideration for posting this.

If you would like to order an 808 Camera for yourself go to E-bay and put "808 Camera" in the search box. Be sure to get one that uses a removable MicroSD card for storage.

If you are interested in a Tactical Industries 22 AR Conversion their website is linked below:

The Black Dog X-Form Magazines I'm using are the ones I linked below:

Again, I'm not getting paid to shill for Tactical Industries, Black Dog Magazines or Surplus Ammo and Arms. Target Sports USA DOES send me ammo for posting a banner on my blog.

It will be a day or two for more content unless my face stops hurting.

Edited to Add:
I just finished cleaning the conversion adapter, and I can almost guarantee that it was my choice of lubricant that caused the problems I was having with it.  That and the fact that I didn't use enough in the right places.  The wear pattern on the surface of the guide rails for the bolt showed me that it was inadequately lubricated.  I will try it at the range again probably tomorrow to confirm.

1 comment:

  1. Use a lighter lube like Strike-Hold.

    And also check that your mag lips aren't dragging the bottom of the bolt. Many conversions have this issue. Easily fixed with some sandpaper, but go slowly if you do go that route. Less off is better.



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