Saturday, February 14, 2015

Recoil from shotgun slugs fired out of a folding stock shotgun HURTS!!

I'm typing one handed, as my other hand is holding an icepack to my cheek.  I now have a nice deep bruise and my face hurts like Hades.  Before I do anymore testing of shotgun slugs, the old stock comes out of he closet and gets put back on the Mav 88.

Principal thoughts about shooting slugs at 100 yards.

With a bead sight, you have to get your face down close to get any type of a sight picture and that will cause you to get hit in the face and all of your shots will go at least 8 inches high.  That's how far the center of the target was from the top of the backer and all but the 8 rounds I intentionally held a foot low on hit the backstop that high.

The 8 I held low intentionally, STILL hit almost a foot over my aiming point.  I don't know if it was because I developed a flinch after getting my face bashed in multiple times or if the trajectory really is that high.

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