Wednesday, February 4, 2015

KTD Drive - Limited Time only

As I wrote in a previous Post, Scott - the Fat Guy has passed away.  Leaving no way for people to purchase a ready made KTD Drive.

For a LIMITED time, if you will send a brand new, still in the original packaging 32 GB USB Thumb Drive, along with a Self Addressed Stamped Padded Envelope, I will burn the KTD files to the drive for you and mail it back to you.

If you also enclose a blank CD-R in a protective sleeve, I will burn the programs needed so you can clone your KTD drive for any other who may need one.

The program I was using to make an ISO is no longer supporting that.  So if you want to make copies of the KTD Drive, let me know when you send the drive and I'll write the necessary files to the KTD Drive with instructions so you can make copies as needed.

Instructions also HERE

Please make sure the Self Addressed Stamped Return mailer is a padded one and has the proper amount of postage.

If someone wants to take over making these drives for people, I will help you out as long as you don't try to make a lot of money off of this.

I'm doing this to help people, not make money off of it.

Saying that, it takes several hours to make a KTD Drive, so if someone who wants a drive wants to give me a few bucks to cover my costs, (P.O. Box, Electricity, Gas, Time Involved) I won't object.  I'd prefer a Postal Money Order, Cash or a Franklin or Walking Liberty Halve or two)

Now here are the MAIN RULES to this.

The Thumb Drive MUST be in it's original packaging.  If it is not, I will send it right back to you.  Only SansDisk, PNY or Kingston Drives.  They must be 32 GB, NOT 64 and not less than 32 GB. (Several computers I've tried the 64 GB drives on would not recognize the 64 GB drives but would recognize the 32 GB drives.)  Ever since I've started this Project, I've gotten several drives that were infected.  It is too much of a hassle to clean the drives and their boot sectors, so ONLY drives still in their original packaging.

You MUST include a Padded, Self Addressed Postage Paid mailing envelope, so I can send your drive back to you.

You have to send me an E-mail at my greylocke gmail address when you send it to me, so I know you are sending me a drive to do.  It's 8 miles from my house to the Post Office in town, I don't want to have to go into town unless I KNOW there is something I have to get.  So I'll probably only check the P.O. Box every other week unless I KNOW you are sending me a drive to write.

You DO NOT have to pay me to do this.  (Although it would be nice to get some compensation)

You may NOT set yourself up to sell these drives for more than 5-10 dollars over cost.  This project is about helping people NOT making a lot of money.  I will help anyone who wants to clone their drive for others.  If you are in a MAG or other group and want to make drives for everyone in your group, I will help you get set up to do so.  Please don't send me a dozen drives and expect me to write a drive for your entire group.  I'll burn ONE drive and help you get setup so you can clone your drive for others.

If you send me a Blank CD-R with a protective sleeve so I can burn the programs you need to clone your drive, be sure it fits in your return envelope and the postage is enough to cover the return trip.

See Above

Not all computers will be bootable from a KTD Drive.  Many can with an updated BIOS, but not all.  So don't expect this to be a miracle product that will let you boot any computer.

If you want me to update the system files on the drive please let me know what size you want the permanence file to be.  My personal drives permanence is set to 2.5 GB and I update it once a month.  Not all updates will take effect. It depends on the system the drive is currently being used on.

There will be some extra room on the drive for you to use for any files you might want to keep for your emergencies.  On my drive I have a PDF copy of my Birth Certificate, Driver's License, Insurance information, a brief medical history and a list of my medications.  This file can be accessed just by plugging it into the usb slot of almost any computer.  Like Hospitals or Dr's Offices.  I'm actually talking to my PCP to get a PDF of all of my medical records to keep on my drive also.

Now, you can send a new in it's original packaging 32 GB with a SASE padded mailer to my P.O. Box, be sure to send me an E-mail so I know it's coming and will make the trip to town.

Send it to:

M.L. Anderson
P.O. Box 306
Fulton, TX 78358

And I know I've hammered this point several times but I will reiterate it again.

The Drive MUST be in it's original packaging.  SansDisk, PNY or Kingston Drives work the best.  I WILL NOT write the files to an EMTECH or other generic drives.  It takes 6-8 hours and the EMTECH drives are not recognized by many computers when trying to boot from them.  If the drive isn't on it's cardboard backer with the plastic cover unopened, I will simply put the drive in your return mailer and send it back to you before I even leave the post office.  I do not want to get my systems infected and it's too much of a hassle to clean a drive properly.  I'm doing this on my time, I'm not tying to make money from this, so if it's going to be a hassle for me, I'm not going to do it.

The Padded return mailer must have the proper return postage on it.  I'm on a very limited budget and cannot afford to cover postage if you got it wrong.  Seriously, I'm trying to cover too many things this month so I had a choice of the P.O. Box or changing the oil on my truck.  Well I'll have to change the oil next month now.

If you want to get a drive, and then clone it for your friends/family/MAG. Please let me know.  It would best if your drive did not have the permanence set, so each person could customize which software they want.  After you get your drive back, you could figure out what programs you need to set the permanence to, then make a master file to clone your drives.

I will always be available to help anyone with their KTD Drive.  If you are having problems, you can E-mail me at my gmail address or leave a comment on the main KTD Drive page.  You might not be the only person with a problem so leaving a comment would let others know about an issue and any resolution there is for it.

You DO NOT have to pay me for this.  Although a few bucks would be nice.  If you do send any money please use Postal Money Orders, Cash or Walking Liberty or Franklin Halves.

I will update the Main KTD Drive Page with this new information later this week.  I only paid for the P.O. Box for 6 months.  I'm not planning on doing this full time as I can't afford it.  So please don't dawdle.


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