Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Only Police are skilled enough to carry guns.

There were several times I out shot fully POST Certified, Commissioned Police Officers who were armed with Glocks and S&W Semi-auto pistols, while I was armed with a 4 inch .38 special revolver and 4 speed loaders. I had a higher score and a shorter time than they turned in.

The difference? I practiced at least once a month, firing a minimum of 50 and usually 100 rounds every month. They usually only shot at their TWICE a year qualifications.

During summertime I usually was able to get to the range 2 or 3 times a month.

Most police officers are not given practice ammo from their departments, nor are they required to practice. Just pass qualification. Which I know of 3, who had to take qualification 3 or more times every time in order to pass.

How hard is is to score a 235 out of 300 with 50 rounds?

Not really that hard IF you practice.

And notice the score required to pass, "235 out of 300", my average score was usually 275 or higher.  And I used a 4 inch Taurus Model 82, .38 Special with 125 grain +P JHP's.  And yes, I practiced with the same ammo I carried.  Most departments or officers who practiced on their own bought the cheapest ammo to practice with and NOT the more expensive JHP's they carried on duty.  Does that make a difference?  Yes it does.

Barron's Blog

Joe's Blog


  1. At my local range, the small town police dept asked if they could practice before qualifications. We decided to make it a social event, promoting police/"civilian" interactions and such.

    They arrogantly said"Hope we don't make you guys look too bad".

    We shot *THEIR* course of fire, which few of the non police had ever shot.

    All the "civilian" range members "qualified" first try. I was the worst at 255. Only 6 of the 12 police officers were able to qualify, and all of them but one had a score less than mine.

    Sad, really.

  2. The one good thing about my constant practice, I was able to deduct my practice ammo on my taxes. Well they allowed me to deduct 4000 rounds and my range fees. I still had to eat the cost for about 1500 to 2000 rounds plus my B-27 targets.


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