Tuesday, February 10, 2015

If you are getting the KTD Drive through the Torrent links

Please continue too stream the Torrents so others can obtain them.  I'm on very Slooooooww DSL and my upload speed is only 20 kps, and I ALWAYS have my BitTorrent open and streaming.  Although I've heard from several people that they are unable to d/l the Torrent even though I'm streaming it. 

Blame AT&T for that.  I have it set to always stream the files.  And many times it seems like no one is d/ling it anymore and I get connection problems everywhere I try to browse.

So please if you can, Stream the torrents for the KTD Drive so others can get them.

I will try to find others who have much faster internet than I to host and stream the files as well.

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