Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Bike Camper

This is From Paul Elkins, they gentleman whose Coroplast Homeless/Emergency Shelter idea sparked many ideas of my own.  I wish I had the materials and the physical dexterity, so I could make up a few of his creations myself, with a couple of small modifications for personal preference.

He comes up with some very unique designs, that if someone were to help implement them, a lot of people could be helped.

Maybe there would be an organization where you could go to get one of Paul's designs for your own use.  The only thing, you would have help making your camper or boat or whatever you wished, in return you helped build a small portable homeless shelter like in the below video.

The shelter would then be sent out to places where it's needed.

Maybe I'm being idealistic, but then again, why else would I put together something like the KTD Project if I wasn't?

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