Thursday, February 5, 2015

Update to Specialization

"'Freedom' IS NOT 'Free'!!! Someone Must Pay for The Freedom of 'Free People'! It is a Bill that is usually Paid with the Blood Of Brave Men (And Women), Far From Home, Afraid, Cold, and Uncomfortable, WELL OUTSIDE of the THIN Bubble of 'Civilization' that MANY people in the Western World take for Granted as 'The Norm' (Never knowing, or caring, how THIN that 'bubble' really is, or how FEW people actually live inside that bubble)... Those Brave, 'Rough', Men and Women WILLINGLY place THEIR BODIES between the EVIL PEOPLE of the World, and The People at home that those men and women love. 'The FEW' pay that bill (which is ALWAYS 'Past Due', and Accrues Interest and Late Fees Daily), so that 'The MAJORITY' can live day to day, pretending Evil DOESN'T HUNGRILY pace and test the boundaries 'of that thin bubble of civilization'"

--Author Unknown - (Thank you TW for showing me this and Thank You to MW for showing it to him, May she Rest in Perpetual Peace in our Memories.  For as long as one person remembers her, she is never truly gone.)

"People Sleep Soundly In Their Beds At Night Only Because Rough Men Stand Ready To Visit Intense Violence On Those Who Would Do Them Harm"

--George Orwell


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