Sunday, March 15, 2015

Had some fun at the range today

Sprog #5/Son #2 and I went to the range today.  My main goal was to try out my new to me Charter Arms Undercover, .38 Special.  Both 10 yard Pistol lanes were being used so we moseyed on down to the 25 yard Rifle lane.  If you count the holes, you will see 36 out of 45 rounds fired hit the target at 25 yards.  Now, I'm not THAT bad.  My son and I split the shooting duties, and this was the first time he had ever fired a snubbie, and the 2 inch barrel really messed with him.  On the other hand, I myself am WOEFULLY out of practice firing revolvers.  However the circled holes you see is the last 10 round string he fired from the Undercover.  At 25 yards with a 2 inch barrel, that's really not that bad.  I did tease him for hitting the ground and totally missing the target a few times with it. But then again, like I said, this is 25 yards, 75 feet, out of a 2 inch .38 Special with factory wood grips.

I already have a set of Pachmayrs on the way for this little pistol, so I expect our next range trip, there will be a marked improvement on the shooting..  Now I just need to locate some more Winchester White Box Standard Velocity ammo.  All the rest of my .38 Special ammo is +P's, and for an Undercover of this Vintage, a steady diet of +P ammunition is disrecommended, not to mention painful with factory grips.

And after all, practice is how you make better, to hopefully one day, make "Perfect".

While we were at the range though, I bumped into a GBBL reader, I was trying to give them my blog address, which I admit, is a little long, so I finally asked if they knew of the GBBL.  When one of them said yes, I simply said, "I'm GreyLocke" and he knew exactly who I was then.  I told him to click on my name over there to go to my profile which lists several of my blogs.  So maybe we'll see him comment over here.

Next weekend, weather and my decrepit body permitting, Sprog #6/Son #3 and I are planning on taking the Franken-15 with the Tactical Industries .22 LR adapter back out to the range, and see if we can't use an entire 333 box of Winchester White Box .22 LR.  We also might be taking the T-53 out to see how it performs at 200 yards with iron sights. Plus I always take along my Heritage Arms .22 Single Action for good plinking.

And any day you can get a chance to go shooting with your kid, is a Good Day.  Even if your shooting did suck.

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