Sunday, March 15, 2015

M855 Ban - BATFEIEIO B. Todd Jones Ain't Done Yet

"Virtually all rifle rounds (except .22LR and .22 WMR) will penetrate soft body armor because kevlar is specified to 9 mm rounds (as regards mass and velocity).

Jones knows that. The ATF at large knows that. What Jones is telling the Congress is that he wants their help in banning rifle ammunition. Rifle ammunition. All of it. They will start with 5.56 mm ammunition, green tip, lead ball, pointed soft point – all of it. Then they will make it clear that all other rifle ammunition is as lethal as 5.56 mm ammunition, so they need a ban on that too.

Here’s a warning flag to all the Elmer Fudds out there who only care about your bolt action hunting rifles, and think this stuff about AR-15s is all just a bunch of made up theater to bother pampered folk like you. They want your rifles and ammunition too. You do understand that, don’t you?"

Read that. And DON'T quit contacting your Representatives.

They are after ALL of our rifle rounds. Never mind that rifles account for so little of the violent crime compared to hands/fists/blunt objects.

I'll post a screen shot if you don't want to bother clicking the link and checking for yourself.

I circled the two stats.  Blunt objects - 549  Rifle - 367

The vast majority of homicides were committed with HANDGUNS.  And almost all soft body armor will resist almost any handgun round in common use.

And why would a criminal want to carry a "Handgun" that weighs over 5 lbs, is almost impossible to conceal, and attempts to conceal are more apt to draw attention to the fact that they have something to hide.

No, this whole attempt to ban M855 is an attempt to make ammunition less available, make it harder for people to shoot.  If they can't shoot, why would they want to purchase a rifle to shoot it?

Back door Gun Control.  That is ALL this attempt was.

1 comment:

  1. .22 mag will penetrate SOME soft armor. So will some .17.


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