Monday, May 4, 2015

An Interesting Treatise on the First Amendment

An Explanation of Free Speech For Morons and Arthur Chu

Some of the "Money Quotes"

"you only have two responsibilities towards free speech: use it and defend it"

 But don’t you have a responsibility to be mature, or to avoid giving offense, or to be constructive? No, you don’t"

"The argument here is, basically, “Charlie Hebdo is racist, if you don’t agree, go read this book on racism and then come back to me.”"

"If we followed this law, you’d never be able to say a bad word about any ideology. How many poor Christians inhabit the southern United States? And how does the existence of these poor Christians inhibit the criticism that Christianity receives on a daily basis? It isn’t a trick question"

You really should click over and read the whole thing

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