Monday, May 4, 2015

Riot Training and the SCA - From Book of Face

********* I remember being told stories back in 1980 by some of the SCA vets that had lived in Texas....apparently the Dallas Police were taught shield and stick by some Scadians in the early 70s. This apparently started when a police recruit kept getting past the riot shield of the instructor with his baton during his first training session.

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***************Saw the same sort of thing in the Army in the early 1980's. The Army instructors had no idea that one could throw a blow at a rioter that came UNDER the bottom edge of a shield. Damned few people think to wear shinguards to a riot...
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**************** I was never a fighter, but I picked up a few things.....and I had the opportunity to try them out on a Marine wearing a Red Man suit who was instructing me on baton during ship defense force training. I was using a fiberglass training baton. As he stripped off the suit, "You put that bruise on me, that the hell did you get me there...?" When I told him about the SCA and heavy fighting... he was ecstatic.
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************* There's a probably apocryphal story about SCA members and the military that supposedly comes from MCRD San Diego.

When USMC recruits go down to the pits for pugil-stick training, what usually happens is that the DI picks some likely looking kid, gets him all kitted out, and then uses him for a tackling dummy to demonstrate the approved technique. All went well until the other DI serving as the referee/safety shouted "GO," whereupon there was a quick flurry and the DI found himself lying in the dirt. As the other DI helped him to his feet, the loudspeaker from the safety tower came on: " Instructor in Pit #3, ask that recruit if he's in something called the SCA."

"He says he is. What does that mean?"

" It means that you aren't going to be able to hit him. Ask the recruit if he's a Knight in the SCA."

"He says he is. What's that mean?"

" It means that they couldn't hit him either."

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