Tuesday, May 5, 2015

John Ringo writing John Stewart's Intro about the Shooting in Garland Texas

The Transcript if you need it:

John Ringo
2 hrs ·

What Jon Stewart's script should be for this incident.

So, this week, two young men from Arizona, possibly affiliated with ISIS, or ISIL or whatever it's called this week, attacked an exhibition of cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed in Texas. The young men were armed with AK47s and approximately two hundred rounds of ammunition.

Now, first let me get it out of the way. Making fun of anyone's religion isn't something I support. Especially not Islam, cause they're crazy. Did I say that? I mean, they're very serious about not depicting Mohammed. That's what I meant.
But let me get this straight. You went to TEXAS? WITH ONLY TWO HUNDRED ROUNDS OF AMMUNITION? Two hundred. And you thought you could just JUMP OUT OF YOUR CAR AND START KILLING PEOPLE? WAS THAT WHAT YOU THOUGHT?

Look, for any of you ISIS types who might watch my show to see if I’m being disrespectful of the Prophet or something, Peace be Upon His Beard, let me just try to sort of clue you in a bit on this. Try to put it in perspective.
In Texas, kids use two hundred rounds of ammunition in an afternoon playing Cowboys and Indians. LIVE ammunition. Shooting at each other. FOR SPORT.

In Texas, NUNS carry more than two hundred rounds just in case they see someone being disrepectful to the church!

In Texas, little bitty babies get rifle CHEW TOYS to TEETHE on.

There's a traffic stop as you get to Texas from other states and if you don't have a gun in the car THEY DON'T LET YOU IN! I'M SERIOUS! I was asked to give a speech at University of Texas but they wouldn't let ME visit Texas unless I AGREED TO BE ARMED!

Two hundred rounds? Two hundred? ISIS, you seriously need to up your game, here. Alahu Akhbar, peace be upon the Prophet's beard.

Good night

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