Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Some Links for your Elucidation...

Greece introduces cashpoint tax in desperate bid to raise revenue and stop run on banks as country teeters on brink of bankruptcy
They just STARTED a bank run now. Nothing is going to create a scare more than the Government stepping in and saying "You can't have your own money without paying us for the privilege to get it out."

At least four Florida companies approved for ferry service to Cuba
This will go well.

Steve Wynn: Economic recovery 'pure fiction' Las Vegas icon says don't believe government stats on jobs, inflation
Yeah I know it's WND. But every once in awhile they DO have the CORRECT story, and NOT hype.

The Computers are Listening How the NSA Converts Spoken Words Into Searchable Text
A'yup. And how many web enabled security cameras, like the ones you use to watch your home from your smartphone, have microphones attached? Did you remember to change your default password? Did you install a firewall?

Obama’s Trade Bill Gets Boost as Mitch McConnell Vows Vote ‘Soon’
Not until the full text of the Bill, "Annotated", is released to the public, you don't. I want to be able to READ the entire bill and SEE what the Administration is giving away and what we are supposed to get in return. I want to know EVERYTHING. Until it's released, and can be gone over by your Constituents, you know the people who are YOUR BOSSES, that bill should NOT be voted on for ANY REASON.

Louie Gohmert Gets Why Some Texans Are Worried About a Military Takeover
Down at the bottom Rick Perry makes a comment about NOT questioning the Military. Uhh was he ever IN the military? I was and I KNOW how messed up, screwed up and in some cased downright WRONG, the Military can be. For him to say "Trust the Military" shows a decided lack of thought aforesight in his makeup. And he seriously makes me question his ability/thinking if he decides to run again for the Presidency.

CDC: Hispanics to reach 23% of U.S. population by 2035, faster than expected
DUH! Especially with this administration courting them for their votes in order to stay in power in D.C. Pretty soon, Blacks will be a double minority, as they will be out numbered by Whites AND Hispanics. If we keep getting "Asians" from the Middle east coming in, they might become a Triple Minority. I wonder how they feel about that. Considering it is "Their Party" ie: "The Democrat Party", that is bringing in all, or allowing in, all of these immigrants.

Chicago Is The Most Segregated City In America: Analysis
It's not hard to understand. I saw it in St. Louis many years ago. Whites get fed up with all the crime, mostly by blacks, and move out to the suburbs. Blacks then file lawsuits because blacks can't get loans to buy houses in the GOOD school districts where all the whites moved to. So then you have people getting loans for 115% to 150% of a homes value. They move in, can't make the payments, and it takes almost a YEAR to get them evicted/foreclosed on. Meanwhile, the young black men, who haven't even bothered to go to school, run the streets, stealing and other crimes, including crimes against people, such as rape, robbery, assault, and then you have "Ferguson". I used to LIVE in Ferguson. About 1.5 miles from where the "Sweet, Innocent Child the Gentle Giant" was killed. Trust me, I was very glad I got my family OUT of Ferguson when I did. Almost ALL of the houses surrounding mine were being rented out for Section 8, and my two oldest kids were terrified of getting beat up by the other kids. So I moved out. All the way to S.E. Missouri by Clearwater Lake and Wappapello Lake. Yeah I moved out into the "Sticks" To protect my family. After I over heard two black women who lived across the street telling their kids to avoid my house for a while because the "Crips" were mad at me for arresting three of their members over in Kinloch. My wife and kids went to my parents house that night. The next morning, I went out to my truck and someone had shot out the back windows of the camper shell and the cab. I had 4 bullet holes in the tailgate of the truck. A week later, my family and I were living in a house about a 1/4 mile outside of Piedmont Missouri. Yeah I moved my family 147 miles away to keep them safe. So ask yourself. Why is it in the mostly "Democrat" controlled cities, that this "Segregation" is so pronounced? My personal answer is, because the "Democrats" need to use food stamps, welfare, section 8, and other benefit programs to ENSLAVE the Black Community, and keep them down so they are a permanent voting bloc for the Democrat party. Look for the highest sums of money are spent on benefit programs. In the Black Communities in the Democrat controlled cities across this nation. Look up at the top of my blog. "Democrats - Plantation Thinking since 1792", some people think I am exaggerating with that. No I'm not. The data and figures are ALL available. Just use google and search for them yourself. Remember what I wrote above? About someone shooting out my windows on my truck? Do you know WHY? Because I caught three member of the Crips, beating the hell out of a young black man who "Disrespected" them, for asking them to quit trying to sell drugs to his kids. Those 3 young men WERE young. the oldest was 17. the youngest was 14. And the three of them were beating a black man in his 30's who had the audacity to tell them to "Quit trying to sell drugs to my kids" That was one of the few times I ever actually had to draw my gun while on duty. Less than two weeks later, the windows on my truck were shot out. shortly after that, my family and I were living over a 100 miles away.

That is what happens, to bring about this "Segregation" People get TIRED of living in fear and get the H**L O-U-T. Leaving behind all the, excuse me, "Thugs" and Criminals, who many of them, don't even know who their father is, and don't care. While working for the Housing Authority I met a 14 year old black kid, who was already a father of FIVE children. And he had been diagnosed with HIV. What did he do, well before he got shot by a Disciple, he got 3 more girls, and I do mean "GIRLS" as in under the age of 13, pregnant, and I know 2 of them became HIV Positive themselves.

I saw the Crips, the Bloods, the Disciples, the Vice Lords, and over a dozen other NATIONAL gangs in St. Louis and the surrounding area. If I went out to Jefferson County just 40 miles away, I ran into Aryan Nation, the KKK, the Imperial Klan, and MANY, MANY more. What was very funny to me, is while I had death threats called in against me, initiated by the people I worked with in Wellston, in Kinloch, on one street I was called Sergeant Psycho, yet two streets over I was ALWAYS called Sergeant Anderson. I was also an EMT-D and I had helped save a ladies life after she got hit after a driveby shooting. On THAT street, which the Bloods controlled, I was protected by them. I could ask the dealers to leave the property and they would go without argument. I found out the lady I helped save was the grandmother of one of the local Bloods leaders. I could leave the patrol car running and walk down that street, and when I came back it would still be exactly there where I left it, untouched, unmolested. Yet two streets over, I had the windows shot out of the car several times, bricks, empty 40 ounce bottles, even bags of feces and urine thrown at me.

So I have SEEN, what the Democrats have given to the Black Community. And they have gotten the shaft. Yet they refuse to see it, and continue to blame others, because people like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, tell them they deserve more stuff, that they shouldn't have to pay for, they shouldn't have to work for.

So then we come to Baltimore. The vast majority of the "Protesters" there, weren't there to protest. They were there to break stuff and steal things. For some people in almost ANY community, black, white, hispanic, if the opportunity to get something for nothing and tear stuff up occurs, they will take it.

They have no fear of retribution, or incarceration. And they KNOW, that Reverend Jesse and Reverend Al or some other Race Huckster will ALWAYS have their back.

I've just really disgusted myself, especially bringing back memories I didn't want to remember.

My point is this. The Democrats, will keep the Blacks and the Hispanics beholden to them in perpetuity, forever, until the end of time. Because they are easily led, and don't question what they are told by the Race Hucksters.

In about 8 years, by my research, the crash, the really BIG crash will occur.

By that time, I hope to have moved my butt and my family wayyyyy out into the desert AWAY from everyone else. Where I hope, that we will be completely forgotten.

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