Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Are you Reading Data Chasers and Luna Star?

I really really REALLY enjoy the writing and artwork of DataChasers and Luna-Star, so much that I have read both of the over a dozen times and as I notice more things through each read through I leave comments which the Creators,  CentComm and Tokyo Rose  will answer if they can without giving away plot points or spoilers.

On most places you really DON'T want to read the comments.  That is NOT true of DataChasers and Luna-Star.  You really really DO want to read the comments as you find out many things, and there are many good conversations and theories that get bandied about.

Also Luna-Star IS nearing it's end point, so you really really really really want to go check it out.

Both Webcomics are on Comic Fury, and if you don't have an account there, please consider signing up for one and subscribing to both DataChasers and Luna-Star. 

DataChasers has 274 Subscribers, of which I am one and Luna-Star has 177.  I would LOVE to get BOTH Comics over 300 subscribers.  So please help me out here, sign up for an account at Comic Fury, and subscribe to both DataChasers and Luna-Star.

Trust me, you will really like both of them.

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