Saturday, June 20, 2015

Do you use wraparound grips on your EDC pistol?

Or even just on a safe queen or a pistol you don't carry that often?

Here is a piece of advice.  At least once a month, pull those suckers off and clean and lube underneath.

I keep my 1911A1 in a carry box that gets transferred from vehicle to vehicle to house, and my 1911  has Pachmayr Wraparound gripper grips.  Well I've been slacking the last few months because all the bad weather has been playing merry havoc with my skeletal system and joints.  So today I pulled out various pistols from their various stashes to clean and lube them.

The bathroom gun was an un-holy mess that took over 2 hours to detail strip and clean to get all of the corrosion spots off it and to ensure proper functioning to my specs.  Yes, I keep a firearm in my bathroom.  Several of them in fact.  If I had let the bathroom gun go a few more weeks it probably would have been totally useless without a complete shop job.

After tearing it down, getting out my steel wool, dental picks, and other tools of destruction, I have it and it's magazines back to the shape they are supposed to be in.  I had to use touch up blue on several spots which I am embarrassed to admit.

I need to get a Silicone lined sealed storage bag for the bathroom gun and it's magazines.  Ziplock bags just don't work right and the lube attacks the plastic of the bags, making them useless after a month or two.

After getting it finished and sealed into a new ziplock bag, I thought for a second.  No, I didn't.  I hit my toe on the carry box for my 1911A1 as it sat next to my bed.  After swearing a few times, I realized I hadn't pulled the 1911 out in almost 3 months to check it.

So I pulled it out and found some surface corrosion on it where my hands would normally grip it.  Not bad, but it drives me nuts seeing that.  So I pulled a full strip on it and found under the grips, there was MORE corrosion.  Out came the steel wool again.  Once I was done cleaning it all up, but before I lubed it, I rubbed the whole thing down with acetone and used touchup blue on it's spots.  Then I liberally daubed Slip 2000 gun lube on it.  I also used rubbing alcohol to clean the inside surface of the wraparound grips to be sure there wasn't any bits of lingering corrosion on the inside surfaces to come back into contact with my pistols frame.

Then I got it all reassembled and used a few small touches of CLP on the rails and sides of the hammer.  Then it went back into it's carry box.

I will have to get to the range sometime next week and test out the bathroom gun to be sure it's properly operating, then do a full clean on it again.

However the moral to this story is, if you have wraparound grips.  Don't forget to clean under them.

Also don't forget to clean and lube your bathroom gun

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