Saturday, June 20, 2015

Have you read DataChasers or Luna-Star yet?

Luna-Star is coming up close to it's final end, and DataChasers is just updates away from the big battle to Rescue Lynn.

Dolly and CeCi are ready to Rock and Roll to get to Lynn, Dolly more than CeCi.  But Dolly is all kitted out with some new weapons and a take no prisoners attitude.

Major Ramesy, Dr. Silver, TeeDee, Ada, Connie and Mr. Black are finishing up their preparations for the party as well.

Prince Decimus has already stepped over all bounds, and his Assassination attempt on General Maxus is heading down the tubes as we speak.

Over at Luna-Star Galina has reached the end of the journey, but has the Journey reached the end of her?

If you don't know what I am talking about go over to DataChasers and Luna-Star and start reading.

Also if you wouldn't mind, if you like DataChasers and Luna-Star, sign up for a Comic Fury account, and subscribe to both of them.  I'd love to see both comics to have over 300 subscribers by the end of the month.

Can you help me out?

And for the record, I have no connection to either DataChasers/Luna-Star, or Comic Fury, other than I enjoy reading the comics and I like how Comic fury hosts these and hundred of other web comics for Free with minimal advertising.

Honestly, I'd like to nominate Luna-Star for the Hugo Awards next year.  How about you help me do that?

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