Saturday, June 13, 2015

I really hate scammers

But I have found a way to identify them easier.

For the last couple days I've had a scammer claiming to be a woman hitting me up on my Yahoo account. She wants to know this and that, and claims to be from a small town way out in the back beyond.

Asking about my finances, my kids, you know all the stuff they want to find out so they can get in your graces to try to scam you out of money or personally identifiable information they can use to try to open accounts in your name.

It finally hit me while I was trying to get rid of this person without being overly rude.

Just have them come visit my blog right here.

They will show up in my logs and I can trace their IP Address.

So I sent this person the link to my blog, and suddenly I'm being accused of being a scammer or a hacker.

Well that person is now definitively blocked.

If you ever run into something like that, just have them visit any blog that you know that has a Sitemeter, preferably a somewhat slow blog like mine so they will be sure to show up in the logs. Highlight and copy their IP Address.

Then you can go to and paste their IP Address in the box and it will tell you where that IP Address is within 50 miles normally.

That is one way you can tell if a person is telling you some of the truth.

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