Sunday, July 5, 2015

553 miles in 3 days

My eldest daughter aka Sprog #1 had an issue and she needed me up at her place.  So Thursday night I drove up to College Station, and last night (Saturday) I drove home, just getting home about 12:45 am. or about 30 minutes ago.

I am S-O-R-E!!!

A seemingly suicidal deer rain into the passenger door of my truck, evidently scared from all the fireworks going off, while I was going about 70 mph.  If I hadn't swerved into the next lane he might have been in the front radiator and grill of my truck.  About 3 miles further south I came around a somewhat sharp turn and there was water all over the road about 2-4 inches deep.  I am very glad I was already down shifting for the turn, I didn't lose control of my truck unlike the the truck that was about 30 or 40 yards ahead of me in the ditch on the opposite side of the road.  The final insult was someone who felt it was their job to slow EVERYONE behind them down and prevent them from either passing or going the speed limit.  I know when I called the sheriff's office, (Who I have on speed dial), they had already received 8 calls about the same truck and both a deputy AND a DPS trooper were on their way to deal with them.

So I am home safe.

Which means I can FINALLY take my pain meds and try to lie down.

I don't want to try to drive within 2 hours of taking my meds, and I sure don't want to take them while driving and run the risk of something/anything happening.


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