Sunday, July 5, 2015

The end of 80% lowers?

While I wait for my meds to fully kick in so I can go to sleep, I'm checking through the various boards I'm on, and I run across this.

ATF Issues First Ruling of the New Year – Is It The End Of 80% Lowers?

The explanation given by someone is as follows:

"When you let someone else make an 80% lower into a completed lower and they walk off your property, you have distributed a firearm manufactured on your equipment that you control, and therefore you need a gun manufacturing license and to mark the "gun" with maker and serial number, keeping the appropriate records and you have committed a felony buy manufacturing the gun before obtaining the aforementioned... and you did not get a background check on said individual... another felony..."

This is the first I've seen of this, so forgive me if you already are familiar with this.

One of the other folks on the board who is a Manufacturer stated that all of this came about because of Ares Arms trying to circumvent the "Manufacture" clause. The gist is, Areas submitted a 80% receiver with 1 (ONE) hole drilled and ATF decided that receiver with THAT ONE HOLE DRILLED was a firearm. So Ares came back with they "Sell the Receiver" to someone, then the "Owner Drills the ONE Hole", then they bring it back to Ares to finish the milling. Hence ATF decision in that TOP link.

This is also to stop people from pooling their money together to buy a "Ghost Gunner" Mill and having a Milling party, where people bring their own 80% receivers, and put them in the mill and hit enter.

As more and more regulations are written, soon everything not expressly authorized is illegal.

How long before we need to pay an "Air Tax" such as in "Birth of Fire"?

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